Idiots are invincible - Dr Ro

Idiots are invincible

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A ‘normal’ life is not always a ‘happy’ life.

“… grant me the courage to change the things that I can change, the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two”, is a popular motto by Alcoholics Anonymous. Most of us fail in the third part, as we hopelessly try to change things that either are not amenable to change or unworthy of our time and energy.

Dealing effectively with either major life events or daily stressors requires the ability to maintain composure / remain calm under pressure, take a time-out and ‘talk sense’ to oneself.

The book aims to educate, entertain and inspire. In the first part the author discusses stress, its sources and its effects, followed by the ‘Ro’ Method, a simple but complete problem solving process, and a number of examples and real life applications. Then, using a light, humorous and innovative style, the author describes the day of ‘Don Stressote,’ a modern Don Quichote de la Mancha and ‘Ro’ Method graduate, who attempts to apply the theory in everyday life situations. Armed with courage and stoicism, Don deals with the monsters and the dragons (the idiots) of the 21st century: his partner who entered the toilette first and is reading the newspaper insensible to the needs of others, the obese fellow in the elevator, the traffic jam, his stupid boss, the thick-skinned client, as well as the most difficult person among all – his own self and his irrational expectations…

Idiots are invincible - Dr Ro - описание и краткое содержание, автор Dr Ro, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки
16 стр.

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